Valley Oak Dental Group
Swollen lymph nodes can appear all over your body and are typically a sign that your body is trying to fight something off. In many cases, swollen lymph nodes may appear when you go through dental issues. The lymph nodes could swell up on the neck or the back of the head. The swelling is typically temporary, especially when you’ve recently gone through dental issues.
Learn about some of the dental causes of swollen lymph nodes, your treatment options, and when to seek a dentist for professional help. The sudden appearance of a swollen gland may seem alarming, but knowing the direct connection will help you feel better until the swelling goes away.
One of the more basic ways your lymph nodes may swell from mouth issues is from swollen gums. Swollen gums can occur for a number of reasons. Improper tooth care, like a lack of adequate brushing or flossing can lead to gum diseases like gingivitis.
As the bacteria builds up, your body may try to fight off the bacteria and you could have swollen lymph nodes as a result. One of the best treatments for swollen gum issues is a dental cleaning. A professional can clean deep inside the gums to remove excess bacteria build-up. With less bacteria to fight, swollen lymph nodes will go down.
Swollen gums could also occur from mouth trauma. Mouth injuries could result in damaged and swollen gums. As the injury heals, your lymph nodes may swell. The nodes could stay swollen until after the gums have healed. Monitor the shape and size until they fully go away.
Some swelling gums may be advanced beyond basic swelling and include deep infections. One of the more common infections that will cause lymph node swelling is a root infection like an abscess. If a tooth or gum abscess occurs, then you could run into major health issues. Lymph nodes will swell to help and fight the infection, but a dental treatment is often needed.
One of the main dental treatments to consider is a root canal. A root canal will treat the infection directly, prevent the loss of your teeth, and can reduce any pain inside your mouth. Swelling lymph nodes is one of the key signs of a root infection, but is often paired with physical pain or issues like sensitive teeth.
In some cases, you may notice swollen lymph nodes after visiting the dentist. The swelling is typically normal and attributed to procedures beyond just a basic cleaning. For example, if you had any dental work done like fillings, crowns, or root canals, the swelling lymph nodes could be a sign that your body is directing more blood flow to repair and heal your mouth.
A dentist can give you information on the lymph nodes, including the average time before the swelling goes down. If swelling persists for longer periods of time, then you may need to contact your primary care doctor for a follow-up and lymph node exam. In some cases, you may need to do blood work to check blood counts or signs of other issues.
Sometimes, you will develop sores on the inside of your mouth. The sores could appear on the inside of your cheeks or the gums. The sores are typically known as canker sores, although there are some other varieties. You will notice the pain associated with the sore as the area feels very tender and raw.
When a sore develops, you may also notice swollen lymph nodes. This swelling is a common symptom of mouth sores and may go unnoticed when compared to the pain inside your mouth. A canker sore may take a couple of weeks to go away, and the swelling will typically follow the same trajectory.
The sores could appear inside of your mouth for a number of reasons. Some of the more common issues associated with dentistry include mouth infections, food allergies, and vitamin deficiencies. Vitamin deficiencies can also cause dental problems. For example, a vitamin D deficiency may cause issues like weak jaw bones and gum disease.
Bring up the frequency of any canker sores to a dentist. Not only can they examine the sore and provide a pain relief gel, but they can help rule out any dental issues that may be the direct cause of the problem. If a dental issues does appear, then the dentist will guide you through a treatment option to reduce sores and prevent swelling lymph nodes.
For more information on mouth issues and swollen lymph nodes, contact our office at
Valley Oak Dental Group. We will help treat your mouth with the utmost care and can help you get through any oral issues you may have. Our dentists will take your swollen lymph nodes into accounts during the diagnosis and treatment of any dental conditions.
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