Valley Oak Dental Group
Why shouldn’t you postpone necessary dental procedures or office visits? If you’ve waited weeks, months, or more for dentist-recommended work, take a look at the questions to ask right now.
The reason behind the recommendation can help you to decide whether you need to schedule a make-up appointment immediately or if the procedure really can wait. Purely cosmetic dental procedures, such as in-office whitening, aren’t emergency issues. Even though you should always discuss the postponement of a procedure with the dentist, most patients can safely wait for a cosmetic visit.
Are your teeth decay-free? Even though you may not have cavities, dental damage, or tooth-related issues, may still need an in-office appointment.
You’ve scheduled your filling, crown, or other restoration. But what about routine checkups and cleanings? Even though you may not think a routine oral care appointment is necessary right, you could have an unknown issue. The cost of an appointment, dental insurance, time issues, and other similar concerns may result in missed routine care.
Talk to the dentist. The dentist can provide you with the facts on routine care. Beyond general care, the dentist can also help you to understand why this service is necessary for you as an individual.
Consider your at-home oral care routine. If your brushing and flossing routine is less than ideal, you need a checkup and cleaning to refresh your oral health.
Assess potential problems. Do you have oral discomfort, bleeding gums, or swollen gums? Even though it may seem minor, an oral issue could have a serious cause. Not only do regular visits include a cleaning, but the dentist will also look for potential problems.
Ask your dentist how often you should schedule routine appointments. Some patients may only need annual or biannual visits, while others may need visits more often. An existing issue, such as gum disease or an infection, may require multiple office visits each year.
Cost is a major factor in the decision to schedule immediate dental work. While a routine cleaning may not come with excessive costs, restorations, extractions, and other in-office procedures may seem pricey.
Even though dental appointments may seem out of your price range, you shouldn’t let finances keep you away from the office. If you’ve postponed dental care because of the costs:
Do you need to schedule a dental appointment? Contact Valley Oak Dental Group for more information.
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Valley Oak Dental Group offers a variety of experienced dentists for your convenience. Get all your dental care in Manteca, CA with us.
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Monday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Tuesday 6:00 am - 7:00 pm
Wednesday 8:00 am - 8:00 pm
Thursday 6:00 am - 5:00 pm
Friday 6:00 am - 5:00 pm
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